3 Songs 2024

Come along to 3 Songs on Friday 2 August at Mark St Hall in Fitzroy North. Each year singers and artists gather to present a fundraising concert to support the station. Six local choirs will each bring three of their most loved songs to raise funds and support Music Sans Frontieres, the World Music program presented weekly by The Boite (Tuesdays 12 -2pm). An annual feature in The Boite program of singing events, 3 Songs re-connects the singers, invites listeners into the songs and delights everyone in an evening of music and warmth. This year's line up includes: Living Out Loud dir Sue Johnson, Feel Good Choir dir Carl Panuzzo, Gorani men’s Georgian vocal ensemble, Mixed Drinks dir Therese Virtue, Sonidos Del Alma dir Iaki Vallejo, and Lingua Madre dir Kavisha Mazzella. Book now. 

Summer programming 2018-2019

3CR wishes our listeners and supporters all the best for a relaxing summer break, and looks forward to a year of political action and change in 2019. But remember, there's no need to change that dial! Listen up this summer for some great radio ... from psychedelic music to feminist perspectives - environmental blockading to rebel girls and wicked women ... and much, much more. Listen live, or listen back at your leisure - check out all the programming details and listen back to shows you may have missed here.

Human Rights Day 2018, Monday 10 December

Join 3CR's Human Rights Day broadcast on Monday 10 December. 
7am - 2pm and across the day with  Monday Breakfast, Women on the Line, Mujeres Latinoamericanas, The Black Block, Doin Time, Beyond Zero Emissions Community and special guests.


7.00 – 8.30am   Monday Breakfast: Human Rights focus

Disability Day 2018

International Day of People with a Disability is coming up on Monday 3 December and we have an exciting lineup of advocates, artists and radical disabled activists for our dedicated 12-hour broadcast. We will be featuring live performances from singer/songwriter Heidi Everett and the amazingly talented cast of Not Normal from the Melbourne Fringe Festival. You will also hear some familiar voices with special episodes of Chronically Chilled, Billabong Beats, Doin' Time, Raising Our Voices and Brainwaves from our regular 3CR programmers. Tune in from 7am-7pm on Monday 3 December to help us fight for the choices and rights of disabled people. 

Tune in for Live Broadcast 4am -6am Monday 3 December from the Eureka Dawn Ceremony at the site of the Eureka Massacre (Cnr Stawell and Eureka Sts Ballarat). As part of the day long series of events organised by the Anarchist Media Institute commemorating the 164th Anniversary of the Eureka Stockade massacre starting with the 4am dawn vigil, Eureka Awards ceremeny at Bakery Hill, a long march through the streets of Ballarat to the Old Ballarat Cemetery, a visit to the Museum of Australian Democracy at Eureka to see the Eureka Flag finally brought home to it’s origins in Eureka Park, the site of the Eureka Stockade; and concluding with a dinner at the Eureka Stockade Hotel. The Anarchist Media Institute has been holding Reclaim the Radical Spirit of the Eureka Rebellion Celebrations, in Ballarat on December 3rd, since 2002 reclaiming the historical revisionism and commercialisation.

Public Housing Everybody's Business broadcasts from Victorian Parliament

In order to ensure that Public Housing is a significant issue at the Victorian State election, ‘Public Housing – Everybody’s Business’ will be holding a 10 day vigil from midday on Wednesday 14 November until midnight on election day, Saturday 24 November, on the steps of the Victorian Parliament.

Tune in to a series of programs broadcast live from the steps of parliament or join the broadcasts live at the vigil.

Anarchist World This Week:  Wednesday 14 and 21 November 10-11am

Talkback With Attitude:  Thursday 15 and 22 November 10 -11am.  Instead of taking calls our presenters will be taking live talkback so please join them for this important rally or text 0488 809 855.

Roominations:  Thursday 22 November 12 -1pm

Featuring...  HextapeUmbilical TentacleAxillism! Ballbusters! Lai! SomatizedDance party after feat DJs including... Lost in Fog!!  DJ Ponyboy!!! Melbourne Anarchist Club (MAC) 62 St Georges Rd, Northcote. 7pm Saturday 17 November to 5am Sunday . All ages $5-$10 entry! Held on the stolen lands of the Wurundjeri and Bunurong peoples of the Kulin Nation... sovereignty was never ceded and resistance is ongoing.

Bohemian Rhapsody film fundraiser

Join us for a night out at the movies! We are screening 'Bohemian Rhapsody', the Freddy Mecury biopic tracking Queen's meteoric rise through their iconic songs and revolutionary sound. Thursday 8 November, 6.20pm at the Palace Westgarth Cinemas, 89 High Street, Northcote. UPDATE... SOLD OUT! Thanks to everyone for your support you can collect booked tickets at the 3CR stall in the foyer of the Palace Westgarth. 

Beyond the Bars 2018 CD launch

Join us for the Beyond the Bars 2018 CD launch, Thursday 1 November 6.30-8.30pm at Maysar, Fitzroy Stars Gym (upstairs - accessible) on Gertrude Street. Guests, music and discussion on justice, incarceration and prison radio. All welcome. Light refreshments, beverages and free CDs. See you there!

Life is waiting - fundraiser

The Breakfast teams are holding a film screening Fundraiser on Saturday 13 October, 5.30pm for a 6pm start. LOOP Project Space & Bar, 23 Meyers Pl, Narrm (Melbourne). Come along to the screening of Life Is Waiting: Referendum and Resistance in Western Sahara, followed by a post-show live panel discussion featuring Kamal Fadel from the Australian Western Sahara Association and Tarneen Onus-Williams, Yigar-Gunditjmara, Bindal, Yorta Yorta, Dja Dja Wurrung and Torres Strait Islander community organiser and writer. Tickets are $15 waged, $5 unwaged, at the door. Facebook event 

Mental Health Week 2018

World Mental Health Day is marked every year on 10 October and Mental Health Week is an annual, national event that aims to improve community awareness and interest in mental health and wellbeing. Wednesday Breakfast we will be covering the Raise Your Hand for Monash Youth campaign, a youth led movement that is trying to get a Headspace facility in the Council of Monash. Monash is home to about 40,000 people aged 10-24 and from recent surveys about 1 in 5 are affected by mental health. We will be speaking to Wesley and the Monash Mayor Paul about the campaign. Brainwaves World Mental Health Day Special: Wednesday 10 October 5-5.30pm. This year, the World Health Organisation’s theme is 'young people and mental health in a changing world' – talking about what it means to grow up in today’s society and how to build mental resilience to cope with pressures. To celebrate on we want to hear from you! Send your stories about what resilience and mental health means to you. Head to brainwaves.org.au to find out more and submit your story. Read more ...