Mental Health Awareness Week

Mental Health Week 2018

World Mental Health Day is marked every year on 10 October and Mental Health Week is an annual, national event that aims to improve community awareness and interest in mental health and wellbeing. Wednesday Breakfast we will be covering the Raise Your Hand for Monash Youth campaign, a youth led movement that is trying to get a Headspace facility in the Council of Monash. Monash is home to about 40,000 people aged 10-24 and from recent surveys about 1 in 5 are affected by mental health. We will be speaking to Wesley and the Monash Mayor Paul about the campaign. Brainwaves World Mental Health Day Special: Wednesday 10 October 5-5.30pm. This year, the World Health Organisation’s theme is 'young people and mental health in a changing world' – talking about what it means to grow up in today’s society and how to build mental resilience to cope with pressures. To celebrate on we want to hear from you! Send your stories about what resilience and mental health means to you. Head to to find out more and submit your story. Read more ...

Are prisons and youth detention centres the ‘new asylums’? Thursday 11 October at 7.30am Thursday Breakfast will look at the mental health issues for people who experience incarceration. With the prevalence of mental disorder markedly higher among incarcerated adults and adolescents, coordinated and multidisciplinary custodial health services are imperative in improving post-release health outcomes and reducing rates of suicide and self-harm. Professor Stuart Kinner will be talking about why a new approach is justified on human rights, public health, public safety and economic grounds. 1-2pm. Living Free will feature guest speakers from Bipolar Life for a special show. Bipolar Life's aim is to help those that have Bipolar by attending support groups & making the general public more aware of Bipolar.

On Sunday 7 October Out of the Pan's Sally Goldner spoke with Sim Victor and Andy Miller. Listen here. On Queering The Air Charlotte and Iris talked Mental health, Biphobia and more. Listen here.