There a number of ways you can subscribe; online via GiveNow using your credit or debit card, via bank deposit, in person at the station, by mail or over the phone. Please note we are no longer using Paypal for subscriptions but have enlisted the support of GiveNow, a digital fundraising platform that helps not-for-profit organisations in Australia raise money.
Online via GiveNow
Bank deposit
Fill out our online subscriber form and make a deposit direct to our bank account.
In person
Visit the station at 21 Smith Street, Fitzroy during business hours (Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm). Pay by cash, EFTPOS, cheque or money order.
By post
Post your details along with your cheque/money order made out to Community Radio Fed to PO Box 1277, Collingwood, VIC 3066.
Note: Bank Australia no longer accepts cheques at their branch. We now deposit via bank@post at Australia Post outlet and there is a 7 day clearance from time of deposit.
By phone
Call 03 9419 8377 during business hours (Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm) to pay by credit card.
A 3CR Subscriber...
- is a member of the station and therefore has a say in what happens at 3CR
- keeps independent and commercial free radio alive in Melbourne
- gets the yearly 3CR magazine CRAM GUIDE
Your support will...
- help to keep one of the best community radio stations on air
- give a voice to those who are traditionally denied a place in the mainstream media
- fund a radio station that has a policy of non-racist and non-sexist broadcasting and support the struggles of working people everywhere
- get Australian artists and music out there - 3CR plays at least 55% Australian music each week
- build skills and empower disadvantaged groups,with training courses and special projects