Human Rights

Yorta Yorta woman, Raising Our Voices broadcaster and disability advocate Jane Rosengrave

Each year 3CR celebrates International Day of People with a Disability on 3 December. This year from 7am to 7pm, the 12-hour broadcast will focus on BIPOC (Black People, Indigenous People, and People of Colour) with various kinds of disabilities. If you have ideas or would like to be involved, contact this year's Coordinator, email 

Pictured: 3CR broadcasters L-R Ross Morgan, Robbie Thorpe, Haiden Briggs, Johnny Mac and Kutcha Edwards showing their support for the Djab Wurrung Heritage Protection Embassy.

Tune into 3CR for ongoing coverage of the struggle to protect Djap Wurrung heritage. You can also catch up on coverage from this year, and last year, that gives voice to the powerful fight to stop this senseless destruction of land, trees and country. Listen online now.  (Pictured: 3CR broadcasters L-R Ross Morgan, Robbie Thorpe, Haiden Briggs, Johnny Mac and Kutcha Edwards showing their support for the Djab Wurrung Heritage Protection Embassy). 

Friday 9:00am to 10:00am
Ratbags, Peaceniks and Agents of Change. Resistance radio that explores the movements that made us, drawing from the activist archives through to voices of resistance today. We take you under the hood to see how collectives and campaigns are formed, mobilise people, work cooperatively to transform systems of oppression and are sustained over time.
Done By Law fundraiser on Friday 6 September

Don't miss out on this great trivia night presented by our favourite legal radio show Done By Law. Pop it in the diary - Friday 6 September 6.30pm, Collingwood Townhall. Done By Law is the Federation of Community Legal Centres’ weekly CLC-run radio show and you don't want to miss this sell-out trivia extravaganza! Brush up on that general knowledge and do your daily core and stretching exercises because … the hottest LIMBO is back in town! Yep, once again the team are literally bending over backwards to raise funds for their show and the station. Be there! Details and tickets here

Lost in Science Trivia Night 2019

Prepare your mental docking stations for the annual Lost in Science trivia night! Like Soyuz and Apollo, you can rendezvous with your friends in low-Earth orbit (very low) and help keep community radio on the air by taking part in Melbourne's greatest science quiz. This Space Age event is a fundraiser for 3CR, so entry is $20 per person. Tuesday 13 August, 6.30pm at the Carringbush Hotel, Abbotsford. You can bring cash on the night, or message us here or on for online payment details. Teams are a maximum of 6 people. Let us know on Facebook if you believe you have the right stuff and want to reserve a table. 

Beyond the Bars 2019

In 2019 we celebrated NAIDOC Week with Beyond the Bars  ... featuring stories, songs, opinions and poems from the men and women in the Dame Phyllis Frost Centre, Barwon Prison, Fulham Correctional Centre, Marngoneet Correctional Centre, Karreenga Annex, Loddon Prison and Port Phillip Prison. The all-Black radio broadcast team presents these special broadcasts for NAIDOC Week each year. You can now listen back to all of our broadcasts online. 
Beyond the Bars Media Release 2019

Broadcast details:

Monday 8 July, 11-2pm, Dame Phyllis Frost Centre
Tuesday 9 July, 11-2pm, Marngoneet Correctional Centre
Wednesday 10 July, 11-1pm, Fulham Correctional Centre, 1-3pm, Loddon Prison
Thursday 11 July, 11-2pm, Port Phillip Prison
Friday 12 July, 11-1pm, Barwon Prison, 1-2pm, Karreenga Annex

Greek Resistance Punk Gig

Greek Resistance Bulletin presents a Punk Fundraiser on Saturday 6 July at Bar 303, High Street, Northcote. With Pest, Somatized, Pala, Punter, Scab Eater and Gun Laws with more to be announced! Check out the Facebook event. $8/10/12 unwaged/waged/solidarity. Free entry for First Nations people. And don't forget to Tune in each Tuesday at 10pm - Greek Resistance Bulletin brings you news from the social movements of Greece, including anti-fascist and anti-racist news and information about grassroots political initiatives.

Friday 10:00am to 10:30am
Think Again offers weekly conversations and reflections about current events, trends and public pronouncements on contemporary and emerging issues. The show moves beyond what we read and hear via the public and ‘social’ media, to invite alternative possibilities to guide our thinking, living and organising.
3CR Radiothon is coming - starts 3 June

Save the date! 3CR's annual fundraiser is on the horizon. It's a time of tension and celebration as our programmers fundraise their hearts out to keep the station going for another year. Partly we fear this time of year, and partly we love it! We love the rallying of community, and generosity of our listeners, and the commitment everyone shows to strong, independent airwaves. Bring it on! Power Radical Radio, 3-16 June. 

Unskilled work doesn't exist - banner

Celebrate May Day 2019 with us this Wednesday 1 May. Each year, communities from around the world join in celebrating the achievements of the labour movement and show solidarity with the continued struggle for labour rights everywhere. Kick off your May Day at 7am with a serve of solidarity and resistance. Hear perspectives from the frontline of workers' movements, May Day – The Facts! Music from the workers, Reclaiming Australia's radical past, Latin American women in unions, First Nations sovereignty + community activists on all things work and solidarity. Wednesday, 1 May, 7am - 7pm. Listen via 855AM, digital radio, and streaming live.  You can check out the day's programming schedule here.