
Beyond the Bars CD Launch Thursday 2 November

Come along to the launch of the Beyond the Bars 2017 CD - a double CD of highlights from this year's NAIDOC Week prison broadcasts. Join us upstairs at MAYSAR, 184 Gertrude St, Fitzroy, on Thursday the 2 November from 6 to 8 pm.  The launch will feature a live panel discussion on Aboriginal incarceration, Q & A, and deadly music. Free CDs, snacks and drinks will be available. This is an alcohol free event, and has disability access. 

1990s - celebrate history week with 3CR

Have you got a copy of the station's stunning anniversary book: 'Radical Radio: Celebrating 40 Years of 3CR'? Celebrate history week by buying a piece of your own history. Or snap one up for a friend or family member for Christmas, and ask your local library to get a copy! For $49.50 you can purchase the book online, or at the station during business hours. 

Beyond the Bars 2017 - photo by Kerri-Lee Harding

3CR proudly presents Beyond the Bars coming to you in NAIDOC Week 2017. Beyond the Bars is a unique and one of a kind radio project giving a voice to brothers and sisters on the inside from Victorian prisons and correctional centres. Tune in to hear the deadly solid sounds coming to you directly from behind the bars.
Monday 3 July, 11-2pm, Dame Phyllis Frost Centre
Tuesday 4 July, 11-2pm, Barwon Prison
Wednesday 5 July, 12-2pm, Fulham Correctional Centre, 2-4pm, Middleton Prison
Thursday 6 July, 12-3pm, Port Phillip Prison
Friday 7 July, 11-2pm, Marngoneet Correctional Centre

Donate to Radiothon

It's not too late to donate to the 3CR 'Radio for Change' Radiothon. Make your payment before Friday 30 June and get your tax deductible receipt ready for tax time. Call the station during business hours on 03 9419 8377 or jump online at Get a legal, legitimate tax deduction while supporting radical, independent media.

Bill the Greek and 3CR Station Manager Rachel Kirby

Monday Greek presenter Vasilis Papaioannu (pictured with Station Manager Rachel Kirby) brought in over $5,000 worth of donations from his community this week. 'It's hard, but it's always such a pleasure to raise money to support the good work of 3CR', says Vasilis, known around the station as Bill the Greek. Have you chipped in? 3CR's 'Radio for Change' Radiothon is on now until Sunday 18 June. Donate online or call the station during business hours on 03 9419 8377. (Pictured: Radiothon poster from 1986!)

Voice of West Papua

Across this week 3CR's fabulous line-up of community language shows are asking you to donate and keep independent community voices on air. Each week the Voice of West Papua show (pictured) brings listeners incredible coverage of the ongoing struggle for West Papuan independence. Where else do you get to hear that? Every Tuesday from 6.30-7.30pm the community has a voice and a media space to present the issues that are important to them. Please show your support.

Aziza Hussein - Nile Show

This week we launch Radio for Change Radiothon 2017! At 6.30pm Aziza Hussein (pictured) takes to the airwaves with  this year's first Radiothon program - Nile Show. Tune in for a rousing start to our 2-week Radiothon fundraiser - and most importantly call the station and make your pledge 03 9419 8377. In 2017 3CR is Radio for Change and we ask all our supporters to donate so that we can stay radical and independent.

Lady Lash - 3CR Fundraiser

Come and party with Greek Resistance Bulletin at our Alternative Hip Hop Party! Featuring Curse Ov Dialect, MC Izzy Brown, and MC Lady Lash (pictured). Saturday 17 June, Bar 303, 303 High Street, Northcote, doors open at 8pm for a 8.30pm show. Tickets are $10 waged / $7 unwaged at the door. Every Tuesday at 10pm, Greek Resistance Bulletin brings you news from the social movements of Greece in English and Greek. News from the anti-fascist and anti-racist front and news of actions and political initiatives from below. Show your support!

Radiothon 2017

The corporate media is in crisis. We've always known that corporate media owners prioritise profit over the service of independent journalism, and that this has dire consequences for democracy and social justice. 3CR was formed 41 years ago to counter capitalist media, and we are delivering radio for the people, by the people. In 2017 3CR is Radio for Change. Radio for Change aims to capture the global mood of resistance, and during our annual Radiothon fundraiser we ask all our supporters to donate so that we can stay radical and independent. (Artwork by Aysha Tufa).

Afrika Speaks Back
On Sunday 28 May the Pan Afrikan Poets Cafe presents Afrika Speaks Back, a pop up matinee of poetry, reggae and performance at Afro Hub, 727, Nicholson Street, North Carlton. From 2-5pm the live event will also be broadcast on 3CR, so join us for a transformative afternoon of celebration. Afrika Speaks Back is a free event, funded by the City of Yarra Community Grants Program, curated and hosted by Sista Zai Zanda and featuring renowned storyteller Alia Gabres and an incredible line up of new and emerging artists. Bookings are essential. Check out the Facebook page for details.

Photo caption: Afrika Speaks Back artists. Back Row (L-R, profile) Elizabeth Etta, Sha Gaze. Back Row (forward) Chido. Middle Row (L-R) Bella Universe, Ntombi Moyo, Christopher J Walker. Front Row: (L-R) Brownsugababe, Sista Zai Zanda. Produced by Ntombi Moyo, photographed by Ashlyn Farenden at The Photo Studio Australia.