
Disability Day 2017

Sunday 3 December is International day of People with Disability. From 7am – 7pm we’ll be covering many topics, from discrimination and violence against people with disability, to education and employment, benefits, wages and equal pay, communication and relationships, arts and music – everything and anything that gives voice to the rights and achievements of people with disability. This year we have an exhibition of photographs from previous Disability Day celebrations so come in to 3CR and see some wonderful images complete with poems, quotes and braille captions. Check out the program plan for the day here

Beyond the Bars CD Launch Thursday 2 November

Come along to the launch of the Beyond the Bars 2017 CD - a double CD of highlights from this year's NAIDOC Week prison broadcasts. Join us upstairs at MAYSAR, 184 Gertrude St, Fitzroy, on Thursday the 2 November from 6 to 8 pm.  The launch will feature a live panel discussion on Aboriginal incarceration, Q & A, and deadly music. Free CDs, snacks and drinks will be available. This is an alcohol free event, and has disability access. 

1990s - celebrate history week with 3CR

Have you got a copy of the station's stunning anniversary book: 'Radical Radio: Celebrating 40 Years of 3CR'? Celebrate history week by buying a piece of your own history. Or snap one up for a friend or family member for Christmas, and ask your local library to get a copy! For $49.50 you can purchase the book online, or at the station during business hours. 

Young Muslim Women's Training

We're looking for young muslim women who are between 15-25 years, have a passion for radio or podcasts and are interested in women's human rights issues. Send us a brief introduction about who you are and why you want to be part of the program. Send this in written or video format to: Applications close 20 August 2017. Please only apply if you can commit to all program dates. WEEK 1: 26 AUG, 10 AM–3 PM, WEEK 2: 5 & 7 SEPT, 4.30–6.30 PM, WEEK 3: 12 &14 SEPT, 4.30–6.30 PM, WEEK 4: 19 & 21 SEPT, 4.30 – 6.30 PM, WEEK 5: 26 & 28 SEPT 4.30 – 6.30 PM. For more information: call Munira on 9481 3000. This project is a collaboration betweeen the Australian Muslim Women's Centre for Human Rights and 3CR, with financial support from the Community Broadcasting Foundation.

Lost in Science

Pit your scientific knowledge against the giant brains of the Lost in Science team at our annual TRIVIA NIGHT, and help keep our show on the air. Monday 14 August at the Birmingham Hotel corner Smith and Johnston streets, Fitzroy, doors open at 6.30pm for pub meals and chatting before a 7.30pm start. Tickets are $15 for 3CR subscribers, $20 for future subscribers and can be purchased online. Come along and join a team, or bring your own of 4–8 people to share the fabulous prizes! Part of National Science Week.

Sweet Dreams fundraiser

On Friday 4 August come down to The Tote (upstairs) for the Sweet Dreams fundraiser. Featuring  Wet Kiss, Fia Fiell, Papaphilia, Swallow, and Tombraver. $10 entry from 8pm. Come and support Melbourne's female / Gender Non Conforming (GNC) experimental music scene.

The team from Completada Bailable

Completada Bailable is a new Spanish language program featuring analysis, arts and culture, music and poetry. A feast for your ears, the program will showcase content from the local Latin American community of artists, musicians and poets. Grassroots, edgy and fun - Completada Bailable Wednesday evenings 6.30-7.30pm on 855AM, 3CR Digital and streaming live. Or catch up in your own time via their program page - Completada Bailable.

Beyond the Bars 2017 - photo by Kerri-Lee Harding

3CR proudly presents Beyond the Bars coming to you in NAIDOC Week 2017. Beyond the Bars is a unique and one of a kind radio project giving a voice to brothers and sisters on the inside from Victorian prisons and correctional centres. Tune in to hear the deadly solid sounds coming to you directly from behind the bars.
Monday 3 July, 11-2pm, Dame Phyllis Frost Centre
Tuesday 4 July, 11-2pm, Barwon Prison
Wednesday 5 July, 12-2pm, Fulham Correctional Centre, 2-4pm, Middleton Prison
Thursday 6 July, 12-3pm, Port Phillip Prison
Friday 7 July, 11-2pm, Marngoneet Correctional Centre

3 Songs for 3CR - Nordanlaat

Each year The Boite and Music Sans Frontieres invite musicians and singers to donate 3 songs, in an acoustic concert at The Boite World Music Cafe, 1 Mark Street, North Fitzroy. Each year it’s a spectacularly creative and entertaining night of music that raises money for the 3CR Radiothon. In a year when significant music programs and broadcasters have been cut from national radio, the importance of shows like Music Sans Frontieres on broadcasters like 3CR cannot be overstated. It becomes harder and harder for local musicians to get a hearing! 3 Songs for 3CR is an opportunity to show support and ensure the healthy, ongoing life of Music Sans Frontieres on 3CR. Head here for more information and bookings.

Donate to Radiothon

It's not too late to donate to the 3CR 'Radio for Change' Radiothon. Make your payment before Friday 30 June and get your tax deductible receipt ready for tax time. Call the station during business hours on 03 9419 8377 or jump online at Get a legal, legitimate tax deduction while supporting radical, independent media.