The Boldness

Wednesday 6:00pm to 6:30pm
Disability issues with the Boldness radio team.

Raphael and Loz



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A white background with black writing that reads '3CR 855Am The Boldness Interview of lived experience of Disability. Third, fourth and fifth Wednesday of each month at 6pm. Hosted by Raphael Kaleb and Juliet Sironi. Listen' Under the writing there is an image of an outline of two people in wheelchairs with microphones. There is also a red 3CR Radical Radio logo in the bottom left corner.

About The Boldness

The Boldness is a Disability Current affairs program aired on the third and fifth Wednesdays of the month at 6 pm on 3CR.

The Boldness is about standing up for your disability rights instead of waiting for some well-meaning person to give them to you.


3CR radio’s program The Boldness is looking for women and/or gender diverse presenters to join our team.

3CR was established in 1976 to provide a voice for communities and issues denied access to the mass media, particularly the working class, women and Indigenous people.

Training is provided to all 3CR presenters.

If you are interested in finding out more, please contact 3CR’s Volunteers Coordinator  e: ph: 03 94198377


The Boldness alternates in the Wednesday Hometime 6 - 6.30 pm timeslot with Raising Our Voices (second Wednesday of the month). If there is a fifth Wednesday in a month then The Boldness is presented.