Palestine is a workers' issue, Adrian Pereira veteran Malaysian labour activist, ASU for Paletine, MayDay events, Food sovereignty in Palestine

Wednesday, 1 May 2024 - 7:00am to 8:30am
A few people carrong Mayday Sign


Acknowledgement of Country //


7.05 am Headlines


7.10am Sonia speaks with Luisa Bassini ASU delegate and Victorian Socialists Merri-bek council candidate about tonight's May Day forum on how to build industrial power for Palestine and why Palestine is a workers’ issue.


7.30am Sonia speaks with Adrian Pereira, veteran Malaysian labour activist and exec director of the North South Initiative about workers' rights.


7.45am Grace and Michele speak with Monica, union and community activist and member of Unionists for Palestine and ASU for Palestine, about their Walk Off The Job action happening later this morning. 


8.05am Grace and Michele speak Len Cooper, Secratary of the May Day committee in Victoria, about May Day events happening on Sunday May 5th, and other related worker rights and international solidarity.


8.20am Community announcements


After the show segment | Grace speaks with Rasha Tayeh, Palestinian artist, researcher, herbalist, nutritionist and founder of Beit e’ Shai teahouse about Food Sovereignty in Palestine and how it affects Palestinians. Rasha then shares with us a special interview that she recorded with Professor Mazin Qumsiyeh, a Palestinian scientist, researcher, teacher and author based in Bethlehem, about the impact of the Israeli military activities on the environment. 


Events //

Occupation, the Environment and Food Sovereignty in Palestine

Oakhill Community Soup Night in May with Rasha Tayeh

Land, Biodiversity & the Colony


Songs //

Worker / Hossein Ranghchi

Internationale Palestinian Arabic

Working Class Hero / Marianne Faithfull

Cappo Dog / Our Carlson

Sunn Lo Kay Hum Mazdoor Hain / Jawad Ahmad