Protesting Jordan Peterson; Art to Dismantle Mental Health Stigma; What Migrant and Refugee Youth are Saying

Wednesday, 20 February 2019 - 7:00am to 8:30am

Wednesday 20 February  2019 ||

Today on the show with Dean, Eiddwen and Will [segment times in brackets]||
[27:05] - The Meninist Menace: PUSH! is organising a contingent to protest far-right ideolgue Jordan Peterson's speaking event next Wednesday the 27th at the Melbourne Convention Centre from 6:30pm ||

[44:40] - Art to Dismantle Mental Health Stigma: Director of the Dax Centre (recently merged with mental health charity SANE Australia) Charmaine Smith calls in to tell us about the recently opened exhibition Stigma: Dismantled, Revealed ||

[59:45] - Would You Vote for This? [Working Title]: A teaser/trailer a new Wednesday breakfast segment looking at bills before parliament ||

[1:05:59] - Findings of the Multicultural Youth Census: Dr Rimi Khan of the University of Melbourne talks to Wednesday Breakfast about the findings of the 2017-18 Multicultural Youth Australia Census Status report ||

Songs have been removed from the podcast version of this program