Alice Springs Grandmothers, #16Days and a note from Undercurrent.

Wednesday, 29 November 2017 - 7:00am to 8:30am

World Aids Day: Dr Chris Lemoh is a physician at Monash Health and president of the Victorian African Health Action Network (VAHAN), speaks about World AIDS Day and the way understandings of HIV/AIDS has changed.

Asylum Seeker resource centre: Jana Favero…is the Director of Advocacy and Campaigns apeaks about the ongoing crisis on Manus Island. 


The Alice Springs Grandmothers group Sabella KngwarrayeTurner speaks about the incarceration of Aboriginal children and the need for communities to work together to create change, followed by Hilary Tyler a doctor who works in Alice Springs and is a member of the Shut Youth Prisons.

16 days of Activism against gender based violence Emily Castle and Matilda Stevens in the studio to talk about Undercurrent, an NFP grass roots org that challenging beliefs and actions that enable violence, with an emphasis on interpersonal and gendered violence.   

Womens Health West workers take strike action, as management look to bypass employment negotiations and draft a EBA without proper consultations. We speak Kirsty Lee AUS union representative. 

Track List: 
- Shous, Love tonight.