Sex, Drugs, and Rock 'n Roll

Wednesday, 1 November 2017 - 7:00am to 8:30am

Wednesday Breakfast Rundown 11 October 2017

With Nick, Judith and Patty. 

Paper money- Vivien Langford speaks with ecologist  
  all about the dollar value of forests.

Love is Love -  The Teskey Brothers - Forever you and Me

Creative ways at tackling systemic issues- Dr Catherine Cock- co founder of Gathering of Kindness - on the phone to talk about instilling a culture of kindness throughout the healthcare system.

Western desert dialysis - Jake Redman Social support coordinator at the Purple house in Alice spring talking the houses work and the need to continue to give dialysis out in remote communities- Melbourne fundraiser @The Grace darling hotel 6th of  Nov. 

Butt Plug Dance Party - *Content Warning* Euphemia Rustle, Sexuality and Pleasure Educator,
in the studio to talk about the Butt Plug Dance Party hosted by I Wish You Knew on the 25th of Nov.

Safe Injecting - Colleen Hartland Australian Greens MP,  member for Western Metropolitan region to talk about the trial of safe injection centre in North Richmond