Pay the Rent, Midsumma Events, Animal Rights and Bushfires, Pinkwashing

Tuesday, 21 January 2020 - 7:00am to 8:30am
Thabani Tshuma

Tuesday 21 January 2020 // 

Acknowledgement of country // 

News headlines // 

In light of Invasion Day, we play an audio segment explaining the concept of 'paying the rent' and what reparations could look like in this country // 

We are joined by Kate Foord  from Queerspace and Thabani Tshuma, poet and writer, who talk to us about two events that Queerspace has organsied as part of Midsumma - A Place at the Table and Doing Gender. They also talk broadly about the power of storytelling and how it can create change in queer spaces //   

We are joined by Madison Griffiths, writer, artist, poet, and co-presenter of 3CR's Freedom of Species, about the links between the bushfires and animal liberation // 

We play a short snippet about 'pinkwashing' and discuss the need for institutional accountability in queer movements // 


Australia Does Not Exist DRMNGNOW ft Philly, Adrian Eagle, Culture Evolves //