Human Rights

Bearbrass Asylum Orchestra perform live at Federation Square, 3CR Disability Day, 2013

Join us for Disability Day 2015, Thursday 3 December, on air from 6.00am to 6.00pm. Twelve hours of radical radio by, for and about people with disability. It all starts with The Big Bold Breakfast of disability news and current affairs, followed by Spoken Word. Join the discussion on Talkback with Attitude from 9.30am on representations of disability in TV and movies.

Joe Hill Tribute Benefit for 3CR

Thanks to some friends of 3CR and the Lomond Hotel for organising this fundraiser and giving us a chance to hear some uplifting music in the spirit of Joe Hill, IWW organiser and influential songwriter. A man who inspired Woody Guthrie, Paul Robeson, Joan Baez, Pete Seeger, Bruce Springsteen and countless others. $10 waged/ $5 concession.

Tune in to 3CR Breakfast from Monday 16 November to Saturday 28 November between 8-8:30am for regular reports, interviews and commentaries in the lead up to the People's Climate March (Friday 27 November, State Library, 5.30pm) and COP21 (the UN conference on climate change in Paris on 30 November).

Decolonizing Solidarity Book Now Available at 3CR

Clare Land’s book, Decolonizing Solidarity: Dilemmas and Directions for Supporters of Indigenous Struggles has finally landed at 3CR. The book features lots of 3CR people and provides much-needed guidance to newly involved supporters of Indigenous struggles. You can pick one up from the station during business hours or order one through our online shop. Recommended retail $55, our price just $45.

How To Make Trouble And Influence People 2016 Diary

Produced by the author of the How To Make Trouble and Influence People: Pranks, Protests, Graffiti & Political Mischief-Making From Across Australia book and regular contributor to 3CR's Seeds of Dissent calendars, this 2016 diary features 366 radical dates in Australian history as well as dozens of images and stories. Just $15 hereAll profits go to 3CR and Ecuador's Los Cedros Biological Reserve 

Beyond The Bars 2015 CD Launch

Each year during NAIDOC Week 3CR presents Beyond the Bars - prison radio shows featuring the stories, poems, songs and opinions of Aboriginal men and women in the Victorian prison system.  The 2015 Beyond the bars CD of broadcast highlights will be launched at Friends of the Earth Food Cooperative on Thursday October 29, 6.30-8.30pm.  

Marxist Cowboy Comedy Film Event for 3CR

Marxist Cowboys - A Commie Film event for 3CR

The curious tale of the Labor College's Labor Review, a Communist magazine which owed its 50 issue history to the generosity of Big Business. Not possible you say, but then you haven’t spoken to Karl Marx or a certain con-man. Premiere: Monday 5 October 2015 at 7pm. 3CR (meeting room, upstairs) 21 Smiths Street Fitzroy 3065

Minister for Employment, Michaelia Cash

Listen to Stick Together this week as Annie McLoughlin asks President of the ACTU Ged Kearney about what difference Malcolm and his new Ministers will make to the lives and conditions of Australian workers?

Celeste Liddle, Liquid Architecture Festival Artist

Our podcast of the month is Women on The Line's 'Sounds of Feminism' produced by Nicole Curby. The program explores: What would a feminist methodology sound like? That's the question that sound festival Liquid Architecture is posing.We hear profound performances from Celeste Liddle (pictured), Evelyn Ida Morris, and Makiko Yamamoto, plus a conversation with Liquid Architecture's artistic director, Danni Zuvela. Listen to the podcast.

Green Left Radio Launch

3CR's new Green Left Radio show is radio for the 99%. It's proudly independent, anti-racist, anti-homophobic, feminist, environmentalist, socialist, internationalist. Join us for the launch at Kindred Studios of this new wing of the people's media on Friday 21 August 7pm.