Justice for Fella, Ban Spit Hoods & Abolition

Sunday, 29 August 2021 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm
Ban Spithoods placard sits against a box of flowers, with a picture of Wayne Fella Morrison

We hear from Latoya Aroha Rule speaking on the Justice for Fella campaign, including the campaign nationally to legislate a ban on dangerous spit hoods, and on abolition politics—as well as news and tunes.


Latoya is an Aboriginal & Maori, Takatāpui researcher, undertaking their PhD at UTS on Gadigal Land. Wiradjuri, Kokatha and Wirangu man, Wayne Fella Morrison, their brother, was a father, fisherman and artist.


Wayne Fella Morrison died nearly 5 years ago in hospital after being restrained by prison guards on remand in Yatala prison,  Kaurna country in South Australia. Find the #BanSpitHoods. Stop Black Deaths in Custody petition here. Follow the Justice for Fella campaign on Facebook, and support the Gofundme.





  • We sing until sunrise - The Merindas
  • Our Lives Matter - Barkaa
  • Wurega Djalin - Alice Skye
  • Motorcycle - June Jones and Geryon