Morrison praying for rain, The Gambia's push to take Myanmar to the International Court of Justice, Ex Parliamentarians working for gambling, alcohol and fast food multinationals, Development work in Malawi

Monday, 21 October 2019 - 7:00am to 8:30am
Monday brekky lineup 21-10-2019
7:00 Acknowledgement of country
7:15  Philip Almond, University of Queensland, on prayer as government policy: Morrison praying for the end of drought
7:30  Susan Hutchinson, from the ANU on The Gambia taking Myanmar to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) for genocide of Rohingya people
7:45  Peter Miller, Deakin University, on the revolving door: In which ex-parliamentarians lobby or work for the multinational alcohol/gambling/fast food industries and the impact on policy.
8:00 In studio Nicola Parkes, Australian Catholic University, on development models in Malawi
Artist                                   Song
The Cream                         Sunshine of your love
Leonard Cohen                   Waiting for the miracle
Tjintu Desert Band              Tjamuku Ngurra
Leah Flannagan                  Each day of the week
Lady Lash                            Her She Bars