Monday Breakfast - International Day of Drug Users, Kids March for Climate Action, Lies from the Government about Children in Detention.

Monday, 5 November 2018 - 7:00am to 8:30am
7:00am acknowledgement of country, introduction to the program.
7:04am news from Crickey - the government is lying about how and why children are being removed from Nauru.

7:10am Listening back about Eavesdropping a audio based exlorative exhibition that featured recordings from Manus detainees. 

7:30 Sione Crawford from Harm Reduction Victoria (HRVic) speaks about International Day for Drug Users on Novermber 1st, and the stigma that impacts users lives. 

7:50 Over the Wall's Duncan Graham speaks with Leah Kateiva about the role of advocates in jumping between disabled clients and the government bureau, the NDIA
8:00 Short chats about upcoming and past actions and reactions. The reading of all Senators who supported Hanson's gross white supremacist bill. 

Olinda by Lowtide
Carrie (I want a girl) by The Moaning Lisas
Akila by Total Giovanni
Mild Conversation by Crepes
