Writers' Guild Strike, Euroa YES Campaign, Resistance Literature, Pause uni admissions for Circus Arts' program

Wednesday, 19 July 2023 - 7:00am to 8:30am
circus arts

Grace speaks with the CEO of the Australian Writers' Guild, Claire Pullen, discussing the current situation of the writers guild strike, how this affects Australia and our artists, and what we can do about it.


Claudia speaks with author/historian/barrister and community campaigner Kate Auty about her work on the Euroa YES campaign.

Information on: 

YES/NO Case Pamphlet 


Grace speaks with Brigid Quirke, writer and critic at Overland on 'Resistance Literature', where we discuss her research that focuses on ways of reading contemporary Palestinian writing, like poetry, which particularly sheds light on the legacy of resistance literature that precedes it. We would like to emphasise the discussion is entirely just on the writing and reading, in no way do we comment on actual political discourse on the situation in Palestine because we are not the representation appropriate for that.


Claudia speaks with NICA graduate and circus performer Harley Timmermans about his experience at NICA and the potential impacts of Swinburne University of Technology's decision to 'pause' admissions to the school's degree programme.


1. Dance of the Crab - Barry Can't Swim 

2. Stolen Moments - Lucinda Williams