UMSU passes motion supporting Palestine, Fiona Patten on the Health Legislation Amendment Bill, Swinburne staff stood down for industrial action, 'What I Wish I Told You' at Footscray Community Arts centres Deaf stories

Tuesday, 16 August 2022 - 7:00am to 8:30am
'What I Wish I Told You' at Footscray Community Arts



  • UMSU passes new motion in solidarity with Palestine & BDS movement
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  • Scott Morrison was somehow several ministers
Socialist and activist Maeve Russak talks to Kannagi about UMSU's motion to support Palestine and calling on University of Melbourne management to cut ties with Israeli apartheid.
Fiona Patten MP talks to Phuong about the Health Legislation Amendment (Conscientious Objection) Bill.
Swinburne TAFE teacher and AEU member Alexandra Mavridis talks to Kannagi about staff working conditions at the university and Swinburne's decision to stand down staff taking industrial action.
Claire Bridge and Chelle Destefano talk to Gen about their exhibition 'What I Wish I Told You' at Footscray Community Arts centering Deaf voices, identity, language and culture.