Sex and Consent Education, Renters' Rights, Stop Black Deaths in Custody

Tuesday, 13 April 2021 - 7:00am to 8:30am
Black Deaths in Custody protest Melbourne. Image: The Guardian

Sex and Consent Education - Heather Corinna, founder and director of Scarleteen, speaks with us about the importance of comprehensive and inclusive sex and consent education. Founded in 1998, Scarleteen is an independent, feminist, grassroots sexuality and relationships education meda and support organisation and website. The organisation provides sex and relationships information and support for young people worldwide.

Renter's Rights - Steph spoke with Farida from the Renters and Housing Union of Victoria, also known as RAHU. RAHU has been providing support for renters during the Coronavirus pandemic. At the end of March we saw an end to the protection of renters from eviction and this has really impacted people’s housing security.

Stop Black Deaths in Custody - We replay speeches from the Stop Black Deaths in Custody rally on Saturday 10 April 2021. 

Apryl Day (Watson) (MC)
Crystal McKinnon reads Mikalea Reynolds (sister of Nathan Reynolds)
Reading 4 Aunty Carol Roe
Apryl Day (Watson) reads 4 Jennifer Clayton
Tarneen reads 4 Aunty Karen Lewis
Apryl Day (Watson) reads the demands from Familiies
Robbie Thorpe

Sign the NATSILS petition calling on the Prime Minister to meet with families whose loved ones have died in custody for 30th anniversary of Royal Commission.

Songs -

Spinifex Gum - Yurala

Ziggy Ramo - Black Lives Matter

Little Simz - You Should Call Mum

Pookie - Mad