Global Gag Rule, Renters and Housing Union and Cinn Web on Coercive Control

Tuesday, 2 February 2021 - 7:00am to 8:30am

Acknowledgement of country// 


7.10 Alt News - Gen talks us through the global gag rule and why Biden is trying to remove this law for good //


7.20 am - Lauren talks to Renters and Housing Union (RAHU) about their work and recent campaigns //


7:40 am We hear some snippets from the Safety For Who Panel which explored prison abolition in the context of coercive control. Featuring Tabitha Lean, Georgia Mantle and Monique Hameed //


8:00 am Cin Webb (@gotsthebug) joins us on the line to discuss their experience of coercive control and abolitionist perspectives on addressing harm //



Komang - Flex

Greentea Peng - Hu Man

Noname - Song 32

SOPHIE - Immaterial