Racism in the media, Oroma protest, Dr Fiona Cousins and endometriosis, Visual artist Rachael Ang

Tuesday, 18 August 2020 - 7:00am to 8:30am

Acknowledgement of country// 


7:05 am Genevieve, Zoya and Madison with current affairs //


7.15 am Alternative News: We discuss racism in the media, including the depictions of Kamala Harris and First Nations people //


7.45 am We include Diaspora Blues recount of the Oromo protests happening in Ethiopia //


7:55am Genevieve talks to Dr Fiona Cousins about new research into endometriosis and how cis-gendered women can get tested //


8.15 am Madison talks to visual and comic artist Rachel Ang about her new work depicting life in lockdown, in Multicultural Arts Victoria //



Boog Brown - The Seed

REMI (feat Sampa the great) - For Good

Rashi - Azara Alhai