Fury's graphic memoir, Rajan's plight, Roxanne Moore from Change the record and Joel Clark from Amnesty Aus

Tuesday, 2 April 2019 - 7:00am to 8:30am

Tuesday Breakfast 2 April 2019 

7.00 am Acknowledgement of Country

7.10 am Acclaimed poet, writer and advocate Fury joins us in the studio to talk about their recently launched graphic memoir 'I don't understand how emotions work';   

7.30 am Matt Di Lorenzo joins us on the line to discuss legitimate refugee Rajan's declining health in on-shore detention, and what the public can do to fight for his release (sign the petition here);

8.00 am Roxanne Moore from Change the Record joins us to discuss the ALRC report on Indigenous incarceration, the government's continued inaction a year on, and the way forward; and 

8.15 am Joel Clark from Amnesty International Australia joins us to discuss the Northern Territory's Youth Justice Amendment Act 2019, the dangers associated with it and what reforms we should be pushing for instead.
song: They Call Me   
artist: Tiana Khasi 

song: Change 
artist: P-UniQue & Krown

song: Generations 
artist: Calina Lawrence ft. Lil Deya
song: 1000 Years  
artist: Mojo Juju