Social enterprises as part of the New Economy

Friday, 13 December 2019 - 10:00am to 10:30am

Pablo Gimenez talks about his work in setting up and running social enterprises, and he shares some of the challenges and enablers.


Mansfield, C. and Gregory, D. (2019) Capitalism in crisis? Transforming our economy for people and planet. UK: Social Enterprise UK (

Social Enterprise UK (2019 The hidden revolution: Size and scale of social enterprise in 2018. UK: Social Enterprise UK (

Social and Solidarity Economy Is There a New Economy in the Making? Peter Utting, Nadine van Dijk and Marie-Adélaïde Matheï
Friday 10:00am to 10:30am
Think Again offers weekly conversations and reflections about current events, trends and public pronouncements on contemporary and emerging issues. The show moves beyond what we read and hear via the public and ‘social’ media, to invite alternative possibilities to guide our thinking, living and organising.


Jennifer Borrell & Jacques Boulet
