Voices for Palestine Sydney Rally May 19 II Kanaky Libre! II East Timor Fight Lessons for Palestine II Mullivaikkal Rally II Anti Poverty Centre Budget Response II Julian Assange Update

Saturday, 25 May 2024 - 7:30am to 9:00am
Remembering the Mullivaikkal Beach Massacre

Voices for Palestine Sydney Rally May 19 II Sydney rally for Palestine May 19 recorded by Vivien Lanford from #3cr #skidrow Climate Action Show -  Rula Hafawi, former UN Aid Worker here Paddy Gibson, Unionist here

Kanaky Libre! here II Kanaky Libre! solidarity rally organised by the BPU on Thursday 23 May in Melbourne. Final speaker: Gardanya, Kirrae-Wurrung Barngarla person.

East Timor Fight Lessons for Palestine here II Peter Job, academic and activist, talks to us about his recent Jacobin article which shows East Timor's fight for freedom holds lessons for Palestine here.

Mullivaikkal Rally here II In 2009 tens or thousands of Tamils were bombarded by Sri Lankan Government troops on Mullivaikkai Beach. The death toll was truly horrifying. Tamils in Australia gathered to remember. We hear some voices from Tamils who have made Australia home but do not forget.

Anti Poverty Centre Budget Response here II The Federal Treasurer annonuced a budget surplus but no genuine poverty relief for low wage earners and welfare recipients. Kristen O'Connell, from the Anti Poverty Centre, responses to the Federal Budget.

Julian Assange Update here II Jennifer Robinson, barrister at law & part of Julian Assange's defece team, gives a short break-down of what happened last week in a London court as the US pursues their case to have Julian Assange extradited to the US. It is from a recent Australia Institute webinaire full.