Carnage @ Collingwood Community Garden II Australian Manufacturing II Save Lake Knox II Gomeroi fight Santos Narrabri Gas Project

Saturday, 19 February 2022 - 7:30am to 9:00am
Pilliga State Forest under Threat - Santos to drill Artesian Basin

Carnage @ Collingwood Community Garden here II Last week the Collingwood Children's Farm Management Committee bulldozed the Community Gardens, destroying 43 years of continuous community connection to the plots. We talk with people who were there at the beginning of the farm and the plots and pose the question has the Collingwood Children's Farm lost it's way?

Australian Manufacturing here II We talk to the National President of the Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union Andrew Dettmer about what is needed to kick start Australian Manufacturing and hear from Senator Tim Ayres about a recent missed opportunity.

Save Lake Knox here II In another intannce of a threatened public space that make urban landscapes liveable we hear from Darren Wallace from Save Lake Knox.

Gomeroi fight Santos Narrabri Gas Project here II Emma Hart speaks with Ian Brown, a Gomeroi man from Moree and member of Gamilaraay Next Generation, about the fight to top Santos' Narrabri Gas Project in north west NSW. 

The first stage  of the project will feature 850 coal seam gas extraction wells drilled down through the Great Artesian Basin within four areas of  the Pilliga State Forest.