Uni Casuals Rally II AGL Gas Hub Fight Back Geelong II This is the Week II After the Logging Report II CARF Rally 2

Saturday, 4 December 2021 - 7:30am to 9:00am
NTEU outside the mansion Melb Uni can afford instead of paying staff

Uni Casuals Rally  here II Following a massive win over wage theft at Melb Uni and RMIT  University Casuals network from the NTEU rallied outside the masion bought by Melb Uni for their Vice Chancellor to live in at a ticket price of $7.6 million to draw the line for increase industrial action next year against the business model that puts University workers and students last.

AGL Gas Hub Fight Back Geelong here II Sarah Hathway from Geelong Renewables Not Gas outlines what is the problem with plonking a floating gas hub in the middle of Coiro Bay.

This is the Week here II Kevin ignites the flame on another week that was

After the Logging Report here II The empty promises of VicForests are outlined in this extensive report on the effects of logging Victoria's native forests. We speak to report's author Margret Blakers report.

CARF Rally 2 here II the fight against facists on our streets continues.