Black Lives Matter - Thomas Mayor II Fair Go For Pensioners II Big Pat's Creek Defense Report II Michelle O'Neil on a Jobs Guarantee II The Women of Steel

Saturday, 6 June 2020 - 7:30am to 9:00am

- A reflection on the not so United States and Black Lives Matter with a word from Thomas Mayor, writer activist and Unionist National Indigeous officer for the Marinetime Union of Australia.

- Ann Davies from Fair Go For Pensioners who outlines what they see as the key issues as we go out of the Covid 19 stay at home.

- Environmental defenders up at Warbuton are calling for help to defend Big Pat's Creek from logging and Kevin Healey has a round up of the week that will cause constenation. 

- Michelle O'Neil, President of the ACTU on a jobs garantee

- Robyn Murphy  who tells the story of The Women of Steel.