Homelessness Week II IPAN on Peace II Waste in the North of Melbourne II this is the week that was II Fracking for Victoria?

Saturday, 10 August 2019 - 7:30am to 9:00am

Homelessness Week II we speak to Zoe from the Roomination's Crew about how homelessness is a year round affair and public housing is the answer

IPAN on peace II Shirley Winton speaks at the recent Fair Go For Pensioners conference

Waste in the North of Melbourne II Sheridon from the Broadmeadows Progress Association speaks frankly about the waste management crisis in her area as the SKM class action finishes and a Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into waste management is under way.

this is the week that was

Does Victoria need fracking? II We talk to Cam Walker from Friends of the Earth (FOE) about the campaign by the fossil fuel industry and their allies the Federal Government & conservative media outlets in the main stream are pushing the fracking message to remove the Victorian moratorium on fracking due to be reviewed in 2020. What is the truth behind the high prices we are paying for gas?