From the archives: Justice for downwinders

Saturday, 29 July 2023 - 9:00am to 9:30am
Two protesters holding signs with grave markers and image of nuclear bomb cloud stand at side of the road.

In one blinding moment in July 1945 on the white sand desert of New Mexico, humanity entered the nuclear age. Project Trinity was the first nuclear explosion, paving the way for the nuclear incineration of Hiroshima and Nagasaki three weeks later, and the ensuing arms race that plagues us still. The communities living near the Trinity site are known as the Downwinders. They continue to experience high levels of cancer and other illnesses attributable to radioactive contamination since 1945. They are calling for recognition and compensation for their unwilling and unknowing participation as bystanders to the Trinity test.

This show originally aired in 2019.

Produced by Gem Romuld and Andrea Steves
Music by Paul Pino and the Tone Daddies

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