Expansion of Olympic Dam: Not worth the risks

Saturday, 13 June 2020 - 10:00am to 10:30am


BHP is once again proposing to expand its operations at Olympic Dam in South Australia.  If approved, the expansion would increase BHP’s already significant impacts on land, water, culture and wildlife. On this week’s show, we hear from independent environmental campaigner  David Noonan, who outlines the numerous flaws and potential impacts of the proposal.

Further information is available at the Friends of the Earth website here 
Transcript of the interview is available here


Check out David Noonan's recent briefing papers about the impacts of the proposed expansion of Olympic Dam:

1. “BHP Extreme consequence tailings dams with potential to cause fatality of 100 employees”

Briefing Paper & Chronology of Events by David Noonan, update 22 May 2020

BHP has Questions to answer on Worker Safety, Transparency and Accountability at Olympic Dam


2. “BHP Olympic Dam EIS Assessment Guidelines – Impacts on Aboriginal People”

Comments on EIS Guidelines by David Noonan

Independent Environment Campaigner, 25 May 2020


3. “BHP Olympic Dam operates underoutdated1991 era Radiation Exposure Standards”

Briefing Paper prepared by David Noonan, Independent Environment Campaigner, 18 May 2020