Radiothon and Debbie Brennan talking Stonewall event

Sunday, 18 June 2023 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm
3 CR 2023 radiothon image stay tuned stay radical

What a way to celebrate radiothon with the fabulous Debbie Brennan talking about the upcoming Stonewall event on Wednesday 28 June.
Thank you to all the mega-awesome 3 CR supporters who have donated to OOTP and 3 CR. Please tell the peeps in your networks to support 3 CR in particular shows who are still on their way to their target.

Sunday 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Covering pansexual issues, pansexual meaning "knowing no boundaries of sex or gender", including transgender, bisexual and polyamorous issues.


Sally Goldner
