Radioactive Show - Episode 201509191000

Saturday, 19 September 2015 - 10:00am to 10:30am
Exploring nuclear themes in pop culture (REPEAT show from 2014 due to popular demand!) 

Radioactivity... it's awe-inspiring and terrible power seems to be an addictive plot device for countless comic, film and TV producers. This week we're looking at some examples, how they've mutated throughout history (excuse the pun) and what they're trying to tell us. We speak to anti-nuclear afficionados Lucy Hancock and AC Hunter, Michael Broderick, associate professor of Media Analysis at Murdoch University and Zach, who is in Grade 6 and knows all the superheroes.
The mystery and unpredictable power of nuclear radiation has been capturing creative imaginations since the Manhattan Project and probably will continue to do so for a long time to come.