'Imagining Disability Justice' broadcast event

Imagining Disability Day poster 2020 - Ruby Allegra

Image description: image is a poster with a light blue and pink background. It features a digital continuous line drawing of a disabled person in a blue wheelchair. The person is holding a large black sphere, filled with moon and stars. It looks as though they are literally holding space. There is a burgundy, mustard, blue and black rainbow above the person’s head, with a black heart and star on either side. Black text on the poster reads: “Imagining Disability Justice. 3CR Community Radio - International Day of People with a Disability. Thursday 3 December 2020, 7am-7pm. 855AM - Digital - 3CR.org.au”.

Image by Artist: Ruby Allegra

'Imagining Disability Justice' is a 12-hour radio broadcast event on International Day of People with a Disability (IDPwD), 7am-7pm on Thursday 3 December. "The theme and artwork selected for this year's broadcast is inspired by the book 'Care Work: Dreaming Disability Justice', disabled mutual aid, and the soft, gentle care disabled community members have engaged in to ensure their comrades and loved ones had access to what they needed, when both the state and the public (locally and globally) conveyed through actions and rhetoric the message of our disposability. The artwork also speaks to the respite many of us have sought in our imaginations, holding space for ourselves and imagining possibilities beyond the current paradigm, when many of us face being confined until a COVID-19 vaccine is made. Whilst the broadcast will feature people talking about all that the pandemic has revealed about the structural marginalisation of disabled people, we will also be making space for discussions about what we can create together to replace all of this. Space to imagine disability justice" - 3CR Disability Day Radio Coordinator, Pauline Vetuna. More details coming soon here