COP26 Coalition & Global Day of Action for Climate Justice || Eco-socialism 2021 Conference

Friday, 15 October 2021 - 7:00am to 8:30am

Featuring the latest in activist campaigns and struggles against oppression fighting for a better world with anti-capitalist analysis on current affairs and international politics. 


Headline news discussion drawing on the article Vulnerable people still not vaccinated as NSW reopens to discuss NSW re-opening.

Discussion on Green Left article United States: Vaccines, public safety and workers rights

Discussion on newsitem ‘Authoritarian-style’ law would allow Australia to use secret evidence to deport migrants and what this reflects about the Australia's racist immigration system.

Interviews and Discussion

Interview with Camille Barbagallo from the COP 26 Coalition in Britain. The COP26 Coalition is a civil society coalition of groups and individuals organising for climate justice during the COP26 meeting in Glasgow. The coalition is organising the People’s Summit for Climate Justice, which will take place from November 7‒10. A global day of protest action for climate justice has also been set for November 6. This interview was produced by Green Left and conducted by the international editor of Green Left you can the interview here.

Interview with Sam Wainwright national co-convenor of Socialist Alliance about the upcoming Ecosocialism 2021 conference taking place from Oct 22-24 which is a upcoming conference with sessions on different political topics including worker's rights, ecosocialism, women's rights. You can listen to the individual interview here. 



Friday 7:00am to 8:30am
A weekly source of alternative information which aims to inspire action and organisation to put people and the environment first.Covering international political issues and struggles against the exploitation of the people and exposing the bias in mainstream media that preferences the power brokers and denies access to information.


Green Left Weekly Radio Collective
