Bendigo street occupation | Interview with Sri Lankian environment activist

Friday, 4 November 2016 - 7:00am to 8:30am

A discussion about the current developments in the Bendigo street occupation.


International news from Green Left Weekly discussion about the Dakota pipeline


Local news from Green Left Weekly the refugee convention will be defeated


Discussion about the welcome to Australia protests on October 22nd from green left weekly


Discussion about Naomi Klein winning the peace prize and a forum by Angela Davis where she stated the refugee movement is the civil rights movement of our times


International news from Green left weekly mosqul offensive poses new questions amid western hypocrisy


Interview with Sri Lankian environment activist.


Activist calendar


40 days of radical radio recording women on the line - Dismantling the Glass Ceiling - Women in the workforce 

Friday 7:00am to 8:30am
A weekly source of alternative information which aims to inspire action and organisation to put people and the environment first.Covering international political issues and struggles against the exploitation of the people and exposing the bias in mainstream media that preferences the power brokers and denies access to information.


Green Left Weekly Radio Collective
