This show was broadcast on Mon 10th October 2016.

Today we hear from

  • Bylong resident Jodie Nancarrow  President of theBylong Protection Association.
  • Then Bev Smiles will give us the bigger picture, climate impacts, giant voids left filling with toxic water all over the Hunter.
  • Tim Buckley from the Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis will give us the wider financial picture of coal and market prices.
  • Lastly we speak to Jonathan La Nauze from Australian Conservation Foundation about their court challenge to the Adani mine.
Are these the dying days of coal? If so , why are greenfields sites like Bylong Valley being opened up for new coal mines?
Even when the #NoNewMines mantra is catching on and Indonesia and China have imposed a moratorium on themselves, Australian communities and aquifers are being ruined.  Many people have said the Adani mine  will never go ahead, but we don’t want to get complacent. We hear from the locals, the  climate action groups and a top notch financial analyst.
Thanks also to Mike Seccombe of  The Saturday Paper (1st Oct) for giving us the latest.
Please forward this promo to anyone who will take action. Listen in at 5pm Monday 10th Oct. Podcast availableTuesday.
Further Reading: tba
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