Acknowledgement of Country//
Greg Barns SC, lawyer advising the Australian Assange campaign: Sonia spoke with Greg about the High Court hearing in the UK, the impact on media freedom and the vigil for Julian Assange happening in Melbourne
Red Books day: Grace & Sonia read a few excerpts from Marx, and discussed them.
Rally Magazine & invisible disabilities: Grace spoke with Ange & Baya about a new magazine on a mission to expand empathy and create a space for social change.
Tarek Younis, Yeah-Nah-Pasaran: Cam & Andy interview Tarek Younis on on the impact of culture, religion, globalisation and security policies on mental health intervention.
Rossa Palestina by Pino Daniele
Door Haton Aye Duniyawaalon, Hindustan Humaara Hai an Indian Independence protest anthem from 1943
Where are the Millions by Julia Boutros
Order by Jaala
Sonia, Marty, Nita, Jesse