Creating more affordable housing: A Grattan Institute proposal...

Friday, 4 February 2022 - 10:00am to 10:30am

Jennifer speaks with Brendan Coates from the Grattan Institute about his report: A place to call home: It’s time for a social housing future fund. 

The proposal is for a $20b future fund for the federal government to deliver 3,000 extra social housing units a year into perpetuity – 6,000 per year if matched by state governments.

Seems like a good idea, but would it be enough? Could it create real systemic change?








Friday 10:00am to 10:30am
Think Again offers weekly conversations and reflections about current events, trends and public pronouncements on contemporary and emerging issues. The show moves beyond what we read and hear via the public and ‘social’ media, to invite alternative possibilities to guide our thinking, living and organising.


Jennifer Borrell & Jacques Boulet
