Governing in silos

Friday, 27 September 2019 - 10:00am to 10:30am

This episode looks at the fragmented and uncoordianted way in which we are governed and how our lives are organised. The consequences for our personal and social wellbeing and for the health of the planet are serious. In particular, consumerism as a solution to bolster a flagging economy is in direct contravention of what is needed for environmental sustainability. The episode ends with information about movements and strategies to foster a healthy environment, community and economy holistically.

Patel, R. (2008) Stuffed and starved: Markets, power and the hidden battle for the world food system.  London: Portobello Books

Patel, R. & Moore, J. (2017) A History of the World in Seven Cheap Things Berkeley: Uni. of California Press



Friday 10:00am to 10:30am
Think Again offers weekly conversations and reflections about current events, trends and public pronouncements on contemporary and emerging issues. The show moves beyond what we read and hear via the public and ‘social’ media, to invite alternative possibilities to guide our thinking, living and organising.


Jennifer Borrell & Jacques Boulet
