Spoken Word - Antony Riddelll

Thursday, 21 November 2019 - 9:00am to 9:30am
Antony Riddelll reading at The Dan Poetry Readings

Tune in to Spoken Word on 3CR 9am Thursday 21st November to hear Antony Riddelll in conversation with Carmen Main.

Antony shares excerpts of his novel 'Animalcule' ahead of his book launch Saturday 23rd November 2pm at the Dan O' Connell Poetry Readings in Carlton (225 Canning St, Carlton).  We hope to see you there!


Join Write-ability and The Dan Poets to celebrate the launch of Animalcule by Anthony Riddelll. Anthony, a 2018 Write-ability Fellow, is a well known poet at the Dan, and performs around Melbourne with Weave Theatre.

Anthony' s exhilarating, jarring and surrealist stories and his weird and irresistable characters,combined with his unique line illustrations have created their own genre - Speculative Non-Fiction. Dedicated fans will be delighted by this new addition to his work.

Published by In Case of Emergency Press www.icoe.com.au/2019003.html, Animalcule follows the adventures of Bladderland, Strawberrie, Dr Bing-Bang and Ichabod Schnell, across an extraordinary landscape of small pink domes, spherical rocks, herds of roaming furry televisions, laminated cardboard animals and the dreaded Grinhorn.



Anthony Riddell - Resume
I am a writer and performance poet of twenty-seven years standing, regularly appearing with the Dan Poets at the Dan O’Connell Hotel. My artistic output spans four decades and includes my involvement in the punk and fringe music industry in Sydney and Melbourne, including with the bands Nada and Volvox, and my years performing with and writing for Weave Movement Theatre.
In 2018 I was awarded a Writeability Fellowship through Writers Victoria to develop my manuscript “The Sun is not Fun”.
In 2019 I was highly commended for Writers Victoria’s Publishability fellowships
My most recent publications include ‘Love and Eftpos,’ published on the Writers Victoria Website in December 2018. https://writersvictoria.org.au/node/3457 and ‘Egg’ published in in Westerly’s Special Edition ‘DisAbility’ in May 2019. https://westerlymag.com.au/issues/westerly-disability/
My Chapbook, ‘Animalcule, will be published by In Case Of Emerency Press later this year.
I have self-published sixteen earlier written works and artist books. My writing has been described as “uncanny and irrational stories marked by surrealist wordplay.” In 2013, Australian poet Andy Jackson wrote in US journal Wordgathering of the “wildness and excess” of my work. He says: “Riddell’s aim is to disorient, to call into question our common assumptions about meaning and literature, and to entertain...(his) surreal and humorous prose (is) always exhilarating and jarring…he writes what he has always been interested in – absurd and provocative alternate realities.”
In 2015, my art exhibition “Fingerprints on the Surface of the Brain” ran at Blindside Gallery, and that same year I was interviewed by Matthew O’Shannessy in The Fanzine. He described my earlier works as “strange drawings of microscopic organisms, animals and brains with chunks of type-writer text…absurd, meandering adventures where characters and situations operate on an obscure internal logic, like a DIY Raymond Roussel”

Thursday 9:00am to 9:30am
A program dedicated to the eclectic world of poetry and performance. Guests are contemporary poets who read and discuss their works.


Di Cousens, Indrani Perera, Tina Giannoukos, and Waffle IronGirl
