Yarra Residents Collective II Anti-Poverty Centre & the Job Summit II This is the Week II International Overdose Day

Saturday, 3 September 2022 - 7:30am to 9:00am
Yarra Residents Collective

Yarra Residents' Collective here II We chat with Adam Promnity from the Yarra Residents' Collective about the increasing level of anti-democratic approaches being taken by their Council when it comes to residents' concerns,

Anti-Poverty CentreĀ & the Job Summit here II The Anti-Poverty Centre was not invited to the Job Summit but they have some important social justice issues to put on the table.

This is the Week here II Kevin Healy's full summation of the week in satire.

International Overdose Day here II Aug 31 st was International Drug Overdose Awareness Day. We hear a powerful speech from a parent calling for drug addiction to be brought out of the shadows on the steps of Victorian Parliament.