Who Needs the ABC? II Lifting the Land Supply Curtain II This is the week II Forum for Dwelling Justice

Saturday, 20 August 2022 - 7:30am to 9:00am
Staged Releases - A Peep Behind the Land Supply Curtain

Who Needs the ABC? here II Prof Matthew Ricketson gives us the background to the recent attacks on the ABC and the nature of those attacks and poses the question should people relax with the change of government. It is from an author talk at Emerald Hill Library featuring his book Who Needs the ABC? Why Taking it for granted is no longer an option co-authored by Patrick Mullins

Lifting the Land Supply Curtain here II Staged Releases the last report put out by Karl Fitzgerald before leaving Prosper Australia after 18 years. This report looks at how the public policy fix for the housing problem - release land to developers - is and will never succeed in deliving the public policy aim of houses for home owners. Karl talks to us about the report's findings and gives some other possible answers to the problem.

This is the week here II Kevin has a field day with the Morrison I am the Minister of everything revelation.

Forum for Dwelling Justice here II the Forum for Dwelling Justice (program and speakers) brings the underlining issues of social justice into focus as they intersect with the disgracefull situation of homelessness. To be held at the Capitol Cinema in Melbourne's centre, across from the Town Hall, on Friday 26th August between 1-7pm.  Tickets info here