Ann Stanley

Wednesday, 18 December 2024 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm

Ann Stanley currently has two 3CR programs on the go and they both touch on important areas of her life story. Ann spent the first 12 years of her life in Glasgow. She was the eldest child and learnt to be a peacemaker early on due to her father's alcoholism. The family then moved all the way down under to Parramatta, perhaps in search of the geographical cure. Soon after, it was off to Franga and she continued to develop her love of English, eventually enrolling at Monash University to study Arts (politics). She has always been interested in what's going on in the world and has always enjoyed radio, being a subscriber to 3CR in the 80's. Ann's early family situation now sees her as a sympathetic and informed broadcaster on Living Free where she can speak to other family members affected by alcoholism. Her other love is permaculture and food localisation. She gets into this on her Sunday show, Local Food Connections. It was lovely meeting Ann and learning about some of her life story. Make sure to catch her shows sometime and here are the details:

Living Free I Thursday I 1 to 2pm I

Local Food Connections I Sunday I 10 to 10:30am I

Thanks, Ann!

Ann is the jolly one next to Santa in civvies in the 3CR courtyard. Merry Xmas to all our listeners!

The Radical Australia team, Joe Toscano and Kelly Whitworth.
Wednesday 4:00pm to 5:00pm
Listen in as host Joe Toscano yarns with a different guest each week about their experience in movements and campaigns for progressive social change.


Joe Toscano and Kelly Whitworth
