Salaam Inez !

Sunday, 3 March 2024 - 4:00pm to 6:00pm
Inida for Palestine

Salaam Inez


For today’s show, we welcome the sweet sweet Inez (she/they), who's a co-host for 3CR Thursday Breakfast and an incredible DJ/selector.


Inez will talk about the current Farmers' Protest in India that has been ongoing since 13th Feb, and in solidarity, will play some of her favourite Punjabi songs. 


Protestors are asking for minimum prices for crops in response to reforms that have handed India's agriculture market to corporations in the Global North. Protestors have faced ongoing escalations in violence, including the use of ''israeli'' drone tactics. 


Inez will also touch on India's complicity in the genocide in Palestine, it's close relationship with ''israel'', and acts of solidarity in India. 

Stay tuned for an interesting topic and a high dose of punjabi spirit on our show from 3-4 pm on 3CR community radio

Sunday 4:00pm to 6:00pm
Playing new music from the Greater Middle East and beyond; uniting artists, transcending borders, and telling the stories behind emerging music from around the world.





Salaam Prof Mazin Qumsiyeh!

7 Apr 2024
Rasha Tayeh founder & director of Beit e’Shai, @beiteshai, is filling in for Marroushti in dedication to the Land, and the importance of ecological & land-based practices.