Sovereignty in the time of the Voice

Monday, 9 October 2023 - 8:30am to 9:00am
image of a red banner featuring information about the panel: Sovereignty in the Time of the Voice featuring Kieren Stewart-Assheton, Leah House, Robbie Thorpe and MC Shiralee Hood.

On this episode of Women on the Line we hear snippets from Shiralee Hood and Leah House who recently presented on the panel ‘Sovereignty in the time of the Voice’ held in Narrm on the 28 September. Alongside Shiralee and Leah, the panel also included Robbie Thorpe and Keiran Stewart-Assheton. Shiralee and Leah touch on themes of Aboriginal Sovereignty, the upcoming referendum, Black Deaths in Custody and the historical fights for land rights and Aboriginal sovereignty from the 60’s til now. You can watch the full panel discussion via Renegade Activists Youtube Channel. The referendum for constitutional recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people is happening on 14 October 2023. 

The audio was recorded as part of Renegade Activists and 3CR by Mercedes Zanker, presenter of 3CR's Uprise Radio.

Monday 8:30am to 9:00am
A national feminist current affairs program for community radio. A gender analysis of contemporary issues, as well as in-depth analysis by a range of women and gender diverse people around Australia and internationally. Distributed nationally on the Community Radio Network (CRN).


Cleis Hart, Kannagi Bhatt, Phuong Tran, Xen Nhà & Scheherazade Bloul.
