Kirstyn Lindsay

Wednesday, 24 November 2021 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm

On this week's show we have a soulful conversation with journalist, radio broadcaster and sound engineer, Kirstyn Lindsay, currently working with First Nations Media. KIrstyn hails from Logan City, Brisbane, and got her early learnings in listening at Musgrave Park among its Murray elders. Spending time in Sydney's anarchist, punk and feminist circles before living and learning in Melbourne for 20 years, KIrstyn has recently returned home on her long healing journey. She encourages everyone to find their magic, what they are good at. Not bad advice for a former 'bad apple'! It was a treat having Kirstyn on the program this week. We hope you enjoy the episode. Thank-you so much, Kirstyn.

The Radical Australia team, Joe Toscano and Kelly Whitworth.
Wednesday 4:00pm to 5:00pm
Listen in as host Joe Toscano yarns with a different guest each week about their experience in movements and campaigns for progressive social change.


Joe Toscano and Kelly Whitworth

