Decolonial solidarity: Black 'Australia' to Palestine

Monday, 5 July 2021 - 8:30am to 9:00am
Image: a sign fro a protest reads 'From Djab Wurrung to Al-Quds, Decolonise'. The words a written on plain cardboard in black ink. The image was taken at the Free Palestine protest in Naarm on May 22, 2021


This week Eugenia Flynn and Tasnim Sammak join us to explore the shared reality of erasure and history of struggle against settler-colonialism, genocide and oppression between Blak Australia and Palestine. Within that struggle emerges a shared decolonial solidarity between Palestinian and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples where Tasnim and Eugenia talk about a need to move beyond 'reciprocal solidarity'. These issues are discussed in their recent article Blak Australia to Palestine: solidarity in decolonial struggle published on Indigenous X.

Eugenia Flynn is a writer, academic, arts worker and community organiser. Eugenia is Aboriginal, Chinese Malaysian and Muslim and she works within her multiple communities to create change through art, literature and community engagement. Tasnim Sammak is a PhD candidate at Monash University’s Faculty of Education, a single mum of two boys and a local Palestinian Muslim organiser.

We also hear a poem by Larrakia, Kungarrakan, Gurindji and French writer and poet Laniyuk who performed at the Blak-Palestinian poetry night in Narrm/Melbourne on June 26th. Blak and Palestinian poets, artists and activists came together for a special evening of poetry, performances and discussions. You can hear the full broadcast of the night, and by extension all the poems, on the Salaam Radio Show at 3CR.


Monday 8:30am to 9:00am
A national feminist current affairs program for community radio. A gender analysis of contemporary issues, as well as in-depth analysis by a range of women and gender diverse people around Australia and internationally. Distributed nationally on the Community Radio Network (CRN).


Cleis Hart, Kannagi Bhatt, Phuong Tran, Xen Nhà & Scheherazade Bloul.
