Women on the Line - The story behind Tender

Monday, 1 June 2020 - 8:30am to 9:00am
Tender podcast

This week, we are joined by Madison Griffiths, producer of Tender, a Broadwave Productions podcast about what happens when women leave abusive relationships. Madison is a writer, producer and poet whose words can be found in the Guardian, VICE, Overland, Meanjin, Kill Your Darlings and more. We speak about the need to center survivors in their stories and why it is important to talk about what happens after their departure from violent relationships.  

Monday 8:30am to 9:00am
A national feminist current affairs program for community radio. A gender analysis of contemporary issues, as well as in-depth analysis by a range of women and gender diverse people around Australia and internationally. Distributed nationally on the Community Radio Network (CRN).


Cleis Hart, Kannagi Bhatt, Phuong Tran, Xen Nhà & Scheherazade Bloul.
