Australia's race to warm the planet pt 3: Resistance

Monday, 18 May 2015 - 8:30am to 9:00am
Vicki Perrin and Lock the Gate

Today in the third part of our series, Australia’s race to warm the planet, we’re going to have a bit more of a personal look at this issue.  We talk to two women who had never seen themselves as activists before, but becamse involved in the fight against mining when drilling was set to begin in their backyards.

 Vicki Perrin is from Coal Free Wide Bay Burnett and  Anne Kennedy is President of the Great Artesian Basin Protection Group. 

Monday 8:30am to 9:00am
A national feminist current affairs program for community radio. A gender analysis of contemporary issues, as well as in-depth analysis by a range of women and gender diverse people around Australia and internationally. Distributed nationally on the Community Radio Network (CRN).


Cleis Hart, Kannagi Bhatt, Phuong Tran, Xen Nhà & Scheherazade Bloul.
