Midsumma Shows The MILF and Mistress, Jane Montgomery Griffiths, Ziegfeld Boy, Josh Sanders and Follies Girl, Mama Alto

Friday, 20 January 2023 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm
Midsumma Shows The MILF and Mistress, Jane Montgomery Griffiths, Ziegfeld Boy, Josh Sanders and Follies Girl, Mama Alto

Interviews with Jane Montgomery Griffiths, Josh Sanders & Mama Alto.

  The MILF and Mistress is a one-woman play about a middle-aged lesbian who sees a dominatrix.  Playwright Jane Montgomery Griffiths chats about her play that stars Jennifer Vuletic and challenges taboos with humour and respect.  Stages at Theatre Works' Explosives Factory for Midsumma.  


  Double-billed music productions Ziegfeld Boy and Follies Girl capture old Hollywood classics.  Performers Josh Sanders & Mama Alto chat with James in the studio. Staging at Chapel Off Chapel for Midsumma.  Interview starts at 33.37.



  Sovereignty was never ceded.